My Portfolio

Incentive publishing
Whether it's through printed or online media, your staff and customers deserve the very best in communications – and that's where I come in.
I can take an idea from initial concept to final product, checking it at every level to ensure it comes up to your exacting standards. Tell me what you want to say and I'll help you say it in a voice that stands out in a crowded market of customer communications. I can do this because I have lots of industry experience – and it works, too! Two of my publications have received BACB Awards of Excellence, one of the highest industry-standard awards.
I was commisioned by Cardiff-based agency ADCO to write and edit 'Workplace', a series of integrated staff communications. These were sent out with payslips, as a way of incentivising staff to hit sales targets.
As well as provigding lifestyle features, I also sourced Reader Offers and prizes from companies such as Merlin Entertainments and BBC Books. The magazines were a big success and eventually led to the creation of a staff lottery scheme.
Why not speak to me today to see what I can do for you?

Public Relations
For many years I was South Wales press volunteer for the charity Tearfund. My role included originating press releases for distribution to local media, occasional radio interviews, writing features for the local press (one of which was nominated for a national award), organising and speaking at events such as a fairtrade fashion show, and even posing questions to the then Prime Minister Tony Blair when he was visiting the city. More recently, I coordinated press work for Swansea Oxjam, a major one-day charity festival, where my tasks included writing press releases, arranging interviews and online listings.
Your name in the papers?
Ever wondered how some businesses seem to generate lots of press interest, whilst others struggle to get a mention? The answer is quite simple – editors, like anyone else, appreciate a good story.
Having worked for the newspapers myself, I know how to create an interesting angle, and can write the story of article your customers would want to read.
I was commissioned by Whitehouse Communications to write a series of previews and press releases relating to forthcoming art exhibitions at galleries included Albany Gallery, Cardiff, Attic Gallery, Swansea, Fountain Gallery and Pure Art. These appeared in the Western Mail and other local publications.

Events & Workshops
As well as writing, editing and research, I can also help you promote your business or cause through events and workshops.
From delivering a talk on how to communicate in plain English, to gathering together a group of poets or artists for a press launch, I have a track-record of organising and promoting.
Events I have played a major role in have included Swansea Oxjam, Poets for Peace, and even a series of fairtrade fashion shows! The only limit is your imagination...
For World Book Day, together with a group of local artists, I ran a series of integrated poetry and art workshops with local primary school pupils. This incorporated all ages and stages across the school, from nursery through to Year Six. Nursery were given story stones with which to create their own stories, reception to year one created ‘monster’ pictures, which then formed the basis for a poetry workshop with the older children. Years Five and Six made their own ‘cut and paste’ poetry books. The results were displayed on a giant ‘book’ created with the assistance of the pupils.